Coats for Homeless

The final delivery of of coats and scarves delivered to The Good Shepherd Centre for the homeless and rough sleepers.

City of Wolverhampton Rotarians have donated over 90 coats and scarves.

PDG Richard Green

Kids Out and The Haven Wolverhampton

Our club supports many organisations in the community- this just received shows the wonderful things we can do when we work together.

Good morning Richard

I just wanted to let you know that the toyboxes The Rotary have funded have arrived from Kidsout – they are amazing.To you and everyone at Wolverhampton Rotary Club I wanted to say thank you so much for making Christmas magical for the children at The Haven.

Last Christmas when I was in one of our refuges a little child said to their mom, is Santa still going to come here, how will he know where we live? I am sure this is something a lot of the children we support think, after leaving their home behind to flee from the fear of abuse at Christmas. Your support will mean that Santa will visit all of the refuges and they will wake up on Christmas day to the most lovely gifts to open.

I will send you an official thank you in the New Year as I would love to share with you what the moms and children thought of these toys and let you know how Christmas was at The Haven.

Best Wishes

Hayley Powell

The Haven Wolverhampton




Rotary Delivering Happiness

Our Club Shoebox operation of 2020 finally was completed on Friday 27th November.
As you can see from the photograph, my handy van was loaded with 271
Shoeboxes and the delivery was made to the new distribution point in Oldham
at around lunchtime.

Our collection will be added to those in the Shoebox warehouse and along with many others, will soon be heading out to Eastern Europe- Romania, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine.
Of those 271 Shoeboxes, 60 were provided by Sylvia Morgan and her team of
family and friends-and 40 boxes provided by Julie Hickman with her family
and friends helping too.
Sylvia and Julie would have put in a lot of effort to make such wonderful
contributions and deserve our special thanks and congratulations.
My friend Peter Kay and the members of the Bethel Christian Fellowship in
West Bromwich produced an also amazing 33 boxes so many thanks to them also.
They are a busy Church but always find time to help those in need.
This left 138 boxes being provided by our Club members who donated between just a touch over £800   to spend during my 5 visits to Poundland. I’m not sure if I was in the
running for ‘Customer or the Month’ but it must have been close! I was
almost on first name terms with some of the staff there….
So thank you most sincerely to everyone who contributed for once again
embracing the scheme and allowing our club to make such a significant
contribution to this wonderful scheme.
Mike Boyce.

City Club Certificate of Recognition

The Rotary Club of The City of Wolverhampton has been awarded a certificate of recognition for its latest donation-

(£1,750 – $2,240) to the Rotary Foundation campaign to end polio.
Donation made possible (along with numerous others to many causes at home and abroad) by the hard work put into the club’s fund raisers –  including Best Foot Forward, Dragon Boats and Tree of Remembrance. The Tree (‘The Memories Live On’) is going ahead this year, and normal service will be resumed after Covid, with all the other fund raisers.

PDG Richard Green

Supporting Children in Need

Well done Rotarian Susan Husband in the City

of Wolverhampton club for running the Pudsey raffle. Big Bear and Little Bear raised

£900 for Children In Need.
Big Bear will be travelling to see Peter Williams’ family in Australia!

Recycling Coats for Homeless.

Following a suggestion from our member Julie Hickman, the City of Wolverhampton Rotary club has started a scheme to donate the ‘spare coats we’ve all got in our wardrobes but never wear,’ to the Good Shepherd refuge for Wolverhampton’s homeless and rough sleepers.

So far we’re up to about 30 coats and other items of warm clothing.

After a minimum of 72 hours ‘in quarantine,’ they will be delivered to The Good Shepherd centre.


Well done Rotarians -Keep ’em coming!


Richard Green.

Rotary at Work in the Community.

Whilst there are many things we cannot do in the community during this very difficult time, the things we can do to help others are very fulfilling. Our club is renowned for making a difference where ever and when ever we can. Every year we have the Shoebox scheme where we fill Shoeboxes for children and adults in very poor homes who may not have any money to spend on little presents for Christmas. During lockdown it has helped us to spread a little happiness . In our house alone we were able to provide 30 Shoeboxes as a family! It helped us to give something back. We asked family and friends to donate toys, toiletries, gloves, scarves and small gifts for others who may not have anything for Christmas. My granddaughter decorated the boxes and wrote caring messages to put inside. I think she learned the important lesson that not everyone is as lucky as she is . Please consider Rotary when you are looking for a new outlet for your family . To make friends, enjoy a lovely social life and give something back to society . There’s never been a better time to do something positive. We’re all in this together.

Rotarian and Past President Sylvia Morgan