The Tree of Remembrance



CLICK HERE to see the current list of Remembrance names and messages. This list was last updated on 04.01.2024

The list of names will continue to be on view until mid-November 2024 on this page.


The Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton has been organising the Tree of Remembrance in the City centre since Christmas 2003. In that time over £100,000 has been raised for City charities while, at the same time, providing people the opportunity to remember lost loved ones in their Christmas celebrations. The local charities benefitting this year are Compton Care, Wolverhampton MS Therapy Centre, ssafa (the Arned Forces charity)  and The Rotary Club of Wolverhampton Charitable Trust.

A brief description of the work of each charity is shown below.














Thank you for your support.



Charities for the 2023 campaign.

The charities bennefitting from the 2023 Tree of Remembrance campaign are Compton Care,  ssafa, The Armed Forces Charity, The MS Therapy Centre and The Rotary Charitable Trust, and we have set out below a brief background to each of them.

Compton Care provides care and support for patients living with incurable conditions and their families. It has been running in Wolverhampton for over 36 years and offers round the clock expert care in its in-patient unit as well as caring for people in their own homes. Members of the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton were involved in the original concept of providing a hospice in the city for the terminally ill, and worked together with others to turn the dream into reality. Since the Hospice was opened it has touched the lives of many in our city. The Hospice has for over 30 years provided excellent care for local people suffering from a life-limiting illness.

For more information please visit

The Wolverhampton MS Therapy Centre, from its base in Newbridge, for over thirty years has provided support for Multiple Scelerosis sufferers, not only from Wolverhampton, but also those from a wide area beyond the city.The treatment, provided by a volunteer team, is based upon the provision of high level oxygen which many sufferers find brings a measure of welcome relief from the effects of this debilitating condition.  The benefits of exposure to oxygen have also been found to relieve discomfort, or accelerate healing, in cases of ulcers, diabetes, sports injuries and some cancers.As well as the Oxygen treatment, Physiotherapy and Reflexology treatment are available and the Centre also provides a very important opportunity for patients to share thoughts and experiences, in a relaxed social environment.

For more information, please visit

ssafa. the Armed Forces charity.

Our support covers both regulars and reserves in the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the British Army and the Royal Air Force and their families, including anyone who has completed National Service. We know and understand the unique demands of service life, whether in the UK or overseas, and in times of need, we help to enable the Forces family to thrive.SSAFA helps the armed forces community in a number of ways, though our focus is on providing direct support to individuals in need of physical or emotional care.Addiction, relationship breakdown, debt, homelessness, post-traumatic stress, depression and disability are all issues that can affect our members of our Armed Forces community. Many of these problems only become apparent when an individual has to leave their life in the Forces and join ‘Civvy Street’. SSAFA is committed to helping our brave men and women overcome these problems, and rebuild their lives.

For more information, please visit

The Rotary Charitable Trust is a registered charity set up by  Rotary Club of The city of Wolverhampton in order to handle monies raised on behalf of others.  These funds are kept very strictly apart from the club’s own funds.  Each year the Charitable Trust typically generates in the order of £50,000 for the benefit of needy causes.The funds are raised by the club’s 50 members from a variety of activities and all sums raised are paid over to those benefitting without the deduction of any costs.Many of the charities and organisations which benefit are based within our own City, some are national, while others fulfil needs across the world.

If you would like to know more about the Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton and the Rotary movement in general- CLICK HERE