Today we were able to welcome to our club 3 new members .Firstly, Doctors Subhash Kumar and Sanjiv Sinha, two GP’s who have worked in Wolverhampton for a number of years, amd also, Sasha Hollingsworth a trainee accountant .

President Sylvia with (L-R) Subhash Kumar, Sasha Hollingsworth and Sanjiv Sinha
They were introduced by Kewal Krishan and John Hollingsworth -two long-standing members of our club.
The City of Wolverhampton Club has under gone a rebranding and restructuring exercise which is bearing fruit and is encouraging more diverse applications and offering flexibility in membership.
It is very gratifying to see how the club has adapted and modernised and is welcomed by our members . If you wish to know more about the City Club, look through this website where you will find contact details.In these difficult times we all need to come together and help wherever we can.
President Sylvia