Youth and Community Services Committee
The purpose of this Rotary committee is to respond to individuals and organisations that have a need for assistance that can be met with the help of a rotary grant or of Rotarians giving them their time.
The activities around youth have an emphasis on assisting young people to achieve their best possible outcomes individually or collectively in any aspect of their life from academic to developing their life skills. The Committee during a rotary year will:

Young fundraisers
* Promote and support the achievement of excellence in young people through events such as the young musician competition, sponsoring the local youth orchestra, Wolverhampton Young Citizen Award and Cosford Conservation Museum Apprentice Award.
* Support schools in developing young people through schemes such as Dictionaries for Life.
Community service activity focuses on supporting local charities with their work and responding to requests for financial support to assist small organisations or individuals Requests for assistance are received throughout the year and are considered on their merits. The objective is to assist needy and disadvantaged individuals or groups improve or uplift their circumstances even if only for a short time.
Grants are only made which help local people, supporting those in greatest need whether financial, social or in terms of their capacity to manage in the community. Individuals or organisations can be supported and grants can be for buying equipment or meeting the costs of an event or running an organisation.