The International Committee
Every year the Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton allocates a proportion of the money it raises to this Committee. These funds are used on overseas projects in the poorer parts of the world. The aims of these projects are as follows:
- Fighting disease.
- Providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene.
- Saving mothers and children.
- Supporting education.
- Growing local economies.
- Promoting peace.

The Rotary Shelter Box Scheme- real diaster relief.
In the last year to meet these aims we have supported the following:
‘Lend with Care’. This charity provides small loans to entrepreneurs starting their own businesses in the third world.
Medic Malawi. Support for their chicken and farm sustainability projects,

The Wolves Chicken House in Mthunthama, Malawi. The facility produces chickens, eggs and meat for the support of the orphanage attached to the at St.Anthonys Hospital.
Congo Children’s’ Trust. Classroom equipment for the Kimbilio Boys Transit Home.
Kanyama Free Baptist Community School, Zambia. Help with the provision of a toilet block and water provision.
Village Water. Contribution to water and sanitation projects in Zambia and Mozambique.
REMIT. Provision of mosquito nets in Tanzania.
Moving Mountains Trust. Desks and chairs for the Ng’aroni primary school in Kenya.
Gift of Sight. Donation to this charity providing eye operations in the third world.
Jaipur Limb Project. Donation towards the provision of artificial limbs.

Pictures from our recent deliveries to Romania This year, the Rotary Shoebox Scheme sent 35,037 boxes to Eastern Europe. Thanks to your continuing support
Rotary Shoebox Scheme. Collection of boxes filled with toys etc to send to poor children in Romania, Ukraine and Moldova
Medecines Sans Frontierre. Donation in response to their Syria/Yemen appeal.
Children’s Trust Nepal. Provision of a TV for educational purposes.
UNICEF. Donation to the blankets for Syrian refugees’ appeal.