Celebrating Best Foot Forward Success

On 22nd August the Mayor’s Parlour saw the curtain come down on Best Foot Forward 2017.

The occasion was the presentation of cheques for £4,000 to the MS Therapy Centre, Central Youth Theatre and the club’s own Charitable Trust.

Certificates were also awarded to BFF Centurions – those Best Footers who had logged 100 laps of the Aldersley Stadium on 1st July

There was a good representation of the Patrons whose donations provided the “Treasure Chest”, which was released for the Charities by the laps logged on the day.  Also present were DG Carol Reilly, Cosford Station Commander, Group Captain Tone Baker, the Editor of the Express & Star, the Deputy MD of the Council and Trustees of The James Beattie Charitable Trust.

Acting President Paul with William Hughes.

Mayor Elias Mattu and AP Paul with a Centurion Guard of Honour (+ William).

Wolverhampton & Bilston Centurions – Kellie Green; Tina Smith; Fred Smith; Brian Slater; Ian Cresswell; Martha Cummings and Todd Green. £1,110 released from the Treasure Chest.

This was the fifth staging of the event and lifted the total sum from which charities, predominantly local, have benefitted to over £98,000. Of this £58,00 has be provided as the Treasure Chest by the Patrons, and the other £40,000 by charities and groups who have hitched a ride on the back of BFF, to raise funds for their own needs


.The occasion was a powerful showcase for what Rotary is and does in our community.

Win, Win!Geoff Lowndes – Best Foot Forward

Re-cycling at its best

On 20th August four of us went a’rescueing tents at Weston Park. The scene was messy as ever, as though the 70 000 youngsters had just upped sticks and left left their tents, sleeping bags, chairs, packets of biscuits.



We found nothing incriminating although there had been some forty arrests mainly for drug offences. We did mange to salvage about ten tents…..all of which will be put to good use somewhere in the World by our friends at International Aid Trust. Tiring but worthwhile.

IPP Stuart Williams

Thank you Melanie!

The lunchtime meeting was concluded with another presentation by the acting President with another bouquet of flowers given to Melanie on her leaving Linden House and offered thanks for the many years of service during meetings. President Elect and the entire Club Paul wished her well in her future career.

Welome to the Mayor of Wolverhampton

Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor Elias Masih Mattu was inducted into the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton as an honorary member by acting President Paul Lockley on Tuesday 25th July. Councillor Mattu spoke of his immense pride of being elected Mayor of such a vibrant city.

 The Mayor was accompanied by his wife Mayoress Asha. Acting President Paul presented the Mayor and Mayoress with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the club in celebration of their 30th Wedding Anniversary.

Working in the Community

Past District Governor Richard Green today had the pleasure of presenting a cheque to the extraordinary lads of the Wolverhampton Visually Impaired Cricket Club during their  ‘CRICKETATHON‘, on behalf of  the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton

Welcome Group Captain Baker

Newly appointed RAF Cosford Camp Commander Tone Baker  joined members of the club today for lunch. Group Captain Baker was made an honorary member of the club by President Derek Morgan following a tradition of over 30 years  of the club’s close association with RAF Cosford. Tone was accompanied by his wife Lorraine and spoke of his roots in Dudley and of his years as an apprentice at Cosford. The Group Captain’s relationship with the club began early as he was involved, as an apprentice, in Dragon Boat Racing at Himley. President Derek spoke of the enduring relationship between the club and the Cosford base and Group Captain Baker expressed his pleasure that such a close friendship endures.

Supporting Medecins Sans Frontiere

Rtn Richard Horrell, Chaiman of International Committee,  presented a cheque for £1,000 to John Buckels,a  representative of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) today. MSF deliver emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural or man made disasters. The club decided to make the award to MSF following a talk given by one of their ambassadors