Celebrating Young Citizens

Young Citizen of the Year Awards 2018

On the 5th July Mayor Phil Page invited finalist candidates, parents, former winners and runners-up, sponsors, and Rotarians to the newly refurbished Civic Suite. Roger Timbrell expertly ‘emceed’, Peter Madeley sympathetically introduced the eight youngsters – plus Alfie Bough. He received a special award for his untiring efforts in support of charitable causes at his very young age. Mayor Page jovially awarded certificates to all eight finalists : Millie Betteridge, Carina Kaur Bougan, Taranveer Khangura (substituted today by her sister), Amias Perry, Gurpal Sahota, Alisha Kaur Swali. Anna Tabner and Richie Tanner. It was clear that picking a winner among this tireless and selfless group had been difficult. In fact the judges decided to choose two winners : Millie and Taranveer. They would each receive £100 plus £250 for their chosen causes.  For all present this was a heartening experience and we wish the best of luck to these admirable young people in their future lives.

Stuart Williams-The Rotary Club of Wolverhampton

The Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year is a combined project of the five Rotary Clubs of Wolverhampton

Another Great Rotary Project

One of the most successful Rotary projects for young people is the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (‘RYLA’) This is a one week residential course at which young men  and women aged 16 to 17 are given the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills. This year’s course took place 12th to 17th August at Kibblestone Scout camp, near Stone Staffs. 29 youngsters had a highly enjoyable and successful time under the expert guidance of Rotary mentors and the professional Awesome Adventures company. 

Richard’s Rhinos’ with their Rotary mentor Richard Green of the Wolverhampton club.

One participant was 17 year old Ollie Hall from Heath Park who was sponsored jointly by the Wolverhampton and Wednesfield clubs. Ollie wants to join the RAF as a large transport aircraft pilot and there is no doubt that his experience at RYLA will go a long way to him achieving success in his ambition. 




Wolverhampton Company Support Rotary Cause.

Over three days members of Bretby Rotary Club pushed a barrel of beer from Banks’s Brewery in Wolverhampton to Marston’s Brewery in Burton on Trent to raise money for Burton Albion Community Trust. The money is to be used for increasing sport participation for local people with disabilities. The route was along canal towpaths. President Elect Richard Horrell got up early to see the first of the teams of pushers on their way and pass on best wishes from the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton.

A Very Special Meeting- Civic Day


The 10th of July  was Civic Day and the Right Worshipful Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Phil Page visited the club together with the Mayoress, Mrs Elaine Hadley-Howell. President Paul Lockley welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress making the Mayor an honorary member of our club. The Mayor has strong Rotary connections and has chosen our very own ‘Service above Self’ as the theme for his year in office. He gave the club a presentation on the plans to rejuvenate the city and the local economy. We wish him all the best in his year as Mayor.

President Elect Richard Horrell.

Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra- Pre-Tour Concert

The Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra pre tour concert at St Johns Church followed a reception in the Mayors Parlour with the Worshipful Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Phil Page. Amongst others, I had the pleasure to hand Charlotte her certificate for grade 8 flute with Distinction.

The youth orchestra was amazing.  They are now giving concerts in Italy. The solo by Cameron Chin -See ….well you had to be there!

The Rotary clubs of Wolverhampton are proud to support the Wolverhampton Music school.

President Paul Lockley- Rotary Club of Wolverhampton


Wolverhampton Rotary Satellite Club

A number of members of the Wolverhampton Rotary Satellite Club turned out in support of The Rotary Club of Wolverhampton Best Foot Forward event on  Saturday 7th July at Aldersley Leisure Village.

When the total number of laps achieved was announced, it
confirmed that every single lap was needed. They have decided on a project to raise funds to provide race timing equipment for young athletes. In order to raise funds … they are planning a BBQ at Trysull Farm in September and a fund raising day at Asda, Wolverhampton using the Wolverhampton Round Table float on Thursday December 6th.

If anyone one would like more information about the club, please contact Edward Bolland or Peter Williams by e-mail.

Rotary Junior Technology Tournament – Uplands Junior School, Wolverhampton.

The whole of year 5 of Uplands Junior School – 93 children, were very enthusiastic and fully engaged with the event for the whole day. It’s very rewarding to see our young people being so great and there are a number of budding engineers there!


The standard of the way the children rose to the challenge was so high we had to award three equal first prizes.