Wolves Play Cafe Supporting Families

On behalf of Wolves Play Café I would like to say a huge thank you to the James Beattie Charitable Trust and The Rotary Club of City of Wolverhampton for your generous donation of £557.20 for the Play at Home Activity Packs Project.

The funds have enabled us to carefully develop and resource 20 Play At Home Packs which will be distributed by working with Low Hill Nursery School. They will support families with young children in the area by providing quality resources, books and activities to support playing and development of little ones at home at this challenging time. The funding also has provided the opportunity for the organisation to be able to reproduce the packs in the future to further support families and enable investment in Wolves Play Café’s accessible play opportunities across the city.

We have shared the project via social media and will be posting a short blog about the project including photos and testimonials on our website as well.
Thank you again for your contribution to supporting young children and caregivers in our city.
Kind regards,

Lisa Stallard
Co-Founder and Chair

Lisa Stallard, Co-Founder

e: info@wolvesplaycafe.org

w: www.wolvesplaycafe.org

fb: Wolves Play Cafe

tw: @wolvesplaycafe

Rotary Wolverhampton Supporting Lend with Care

News from the Foundation/International Committee.

At the end of the Rotary year, we had a small sum left in our budget spending allocation. The committee decided to add to our investments in the Lend With Care scheme, managed on our behalf by Richard Walton. This provides small sums on a revolving

loan basis for people in Third World Countries to set up and run their own minor businesses.

Currently we have 112 loans in action, with no bad debts. This has enabled us to help 313 individual or groups of entrepeneurs, leading to the support of 1077 family members and the creation of 188 jobs.

A typical recipient amongst several in the latest set of loans is 57 year old Blanca Oliva Chamba, shown in the photogra

ph who lives in Loja, Southern Ecuador. She was taught farming by her father and now grows lettuce, cabbage, coriander, onions, lemons and parsnip, earning her living by selling the produce locally. She has already repaid one loan in full and wishes to expand her business.

Richard Green

Wolverhampton Young Citizen Update

In view of the prolonged Corona Virus emergency, it has been decided to cancel the 2020 Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year competition. All nominations received before the closing date of 31st May will be carried forward to next year’s competition when their good citizenship achievements will be recognised in 2021

For more information, please see



Rotary Supporting Front Line Heroes

Rotary Supporting Front Line Heroes in the fight against Covid 19.

Photo taken with Hayey Powell at The Haven office, not one the refuges.

Thanks to a project co-ordinated by David Marklew of the Cannock Rotary club, Rotarians across District 1210 have, to date, purchased, donated, and delivered 12,000 visors for use by NHS and Care Home staff, and volunteers in refuges throughout Staffordshire, Shropshire and The West Midlands.

The visors are being made for us, at cost, by Kazoo Print Solutions.

in Cannock,and all 5 clubs have supported the project, with visors going to New Cross and Penn Hospitals, numerous Care Homes, the Good Shepherd Ministry for the Homeless and The Haven Refuge for the vicitms of domestic violence, as they cope with a huge upsirge in new cases.

More visors are on the way.

PDg Richard Green

Welcome New Members

L-R.Dr Sudhir Handa, Julie Hickman, President Richard Horrell, David Hill M.B.E. and District Governor Brian Reilly

Jerry Hobbs was master of ceremonies for a historic induction of three new members to the Club. Julie Hickman was recruited by Mel Eves, was among other roles a former Head of Homeless Services for Sandwell and is now Project Manager for the conversion of the former Carillion building on the ring road. Sylvia Morgan introduced David Hill MBE who was in Steel  and also fully engaged in the T.A. with the rank of Colonel. He was awarded his MBE in connection with his work for the Armed Forces Charity SSAFA. Kewal’s old friend and fellow GP Sudhir Handa came from Kenya when he was 16, studied medicine at Edinburgh and has  special interests in ENT and medical politics. DG Brian Reilly said a few words of greetings including the encouragement to ‘have fun and do good’. Jerry in his emerging role of ‘general factotum and jack of all trades’ promised more members and change to come. Watch this space!

PP. Stuart Williams