Crocus Planting for Rotary Polio Plus Campaign

A very different crocus planting in Bantock Park this year in support of Rotary International’s campaign to eliminate polio.

With Wolverhampton in tier 2 Covid19 status, the City of Wolverhampton club was restricted to just 6 stalwarts – PDG Brian Reilly, Pres. Brian Bailey, IP. Pres. Richard Horrell and Rotarians John Bloxham, David Cheadle and Charles Cox -thanks guys!

 We missed having the Mayor and the children from Merridale Primary School along to help, shown here in last year’s photo. That takes us to 55,000 crocus planted over the years. Let’s hope it’s back to normal service soon!!

Sending a Little Joy to Zambia

Some months ago, I found an envelope in my post box with five crisp £20 notes inside.

On reading the envelope, I saw that the money was not for me of course but was ‘to do something good in Africa’ and was from a member of our Club.

This is the second time that I have found such a gift in my post box and the generosity of our fellow member is most remarkable.

We support in the main, three projects in Africa- two in Zambia and one in

the Democratic Republic of Congo.It was decided on this occasion that the funds donated would be sent to the Kanyama Free Baptist School in Kanyama, Zambia and would provide enough for an end of term School Fun Day.

The intention was that this would give approximately 270 youngsters the chance to have a fun packed day with games, music and simple party food, the likes of which they would not ordinarily receive.

What we here think of as normal, and in most cases take for granted, that is the ability of children to just be children for a day as a relief from the poverty and deprivation that simply put, is daily life in this part of Zambia is something that they would appreciate and remember fondly.

The very fact that someone, and someone that they don’t know, is thinking of them means so much to them and also, to their families.With Covid-19 school restrictions the July end of term ‘do’ became a September start of term ‘do’ and I received the following thanks just recently from the school principle- Beston Chilimalema.

My message of thanks to the person who sent the money for our children;

We have been working with you and the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton for a long time and what I have come to know and understand about you is that, for you to help these children or support the school at large is because:

– You know the importance of education.

– You know that education is basic human rights for all children.

– You know that children who have access to quality primary schooling have a better chance in life.

– You know that a child who knows how to read, write and do basic arithmetic has a solid foundation for continued learning throughout life.

– You also know that education is critically important to children’s social integration and psychosocial well – being.

– you believe that school attendance and having some fun or celebrations at school from time to time, helps children affected by trauma to regain a sense of normalcy and recover from psychosocial impacts of their experiences and disrupted lives.

– You know that health children learn better because good nutrition is linked to better behaviour and academic performance.

Having said that, I want to tell you that, you are game changers.

You are saints everyday and what you do is not in vain.

You stand up and help others and live for others and do things for others just to make them better. You believe that, there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. May God bless you for being available for others. This kind of support only comes from people who have large hearts and kind intentions to make donations such as yours. Thank you for your most generous, continued and vital support. We can’t do it without you and we greatly appreciate your willingness to be a helping hand. You will see from the photographs what a special day the youngsters had- and all because of the anonymous generosity of a member of our club, alongside the support that the club gives the school throughout the year

I have visited the Kanyama Township several times. It really is difficult to describe. That this member gave all those youngsters such joy, though only on one day, their memory will last for quite some time.

On behalf of everyone- thank you.

Mike Boyce

The Rotary Foundation at Work

The Rotary Foundation provides Global Grant funds for humanitarian projects all around the world. In a typical year over 1300 grants are made, usually totalling around 86 million US dollars.These include the building of schools under a one of the so called areas of focus of the Foundation called Basic Education and Literacy.

.All the projects are carried out under the care of local Rotary clubs working in partnership with clubs in other parts of the world. In order to ensure that the grants are properly expended, the Foundation has a cadre of technical advisors with specialist knowledge who will, in normal times, visit the projects and examine all aspects, including workmanship, quality and financial management. The present Covid19 pandemic has meant that such visits have to be carried out remotely, using Zoom technology.

The City of Wolverhampton club has 2 members of the cadre. One is Richard Green who recently carried out a 3 hour ‘visit’ to a school being built by the Rotary Club of Sunyani Central in Ghana, in partnership with a number of clubs in the USA. He was helped tremendously by Dr. Zoya Kpamma, a lecturer in archtecture  at the building department of Sunyani Technical University who gave his services free of charge as he carried out the inspections on site.

The project, valued at 114,000 US dollars is on course to open in January 2021 when 185 boys and girls will begin to receive a much better standard of education, and employment will be provided for 6 teachers.

A great number of Rotarians and other partners have worked extremely hard to deliver a great job in Humanitarian Service!

Rotary Supporting Our Young People

19 year old Oliver Hall from Wolverhampton attended RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) in 2018 and I was his team’s mentor.


As with all the youngsters, we’ve stayed in touch, and I’ve been able to support him through Rotary contacts, in his firm aim to join the RAF as an Air Operations Control Officer – the military equivilant

of air traffic control. Having previously arranged for him to visit RAF Cosford ‘behind the scenes’ – a visit

which included a meeting with the station commander Group Captain ‘Tone’ Baker, we’ve been able to follow up with a visit to the School of Air Operations Control (SAOC) at RAF Shawbury, with the valuable assistance of Rotarian Les Goodchild.

During the visit, Oliver was able to try a computer based simulation that trainees complete. He also had long discussions with several of the trainers and ask many

questions to enhance his experience.

Oliver is a member of the District 1210 Alumni Association and has been

volunteering on the Books4Home project outside his working hours.

Oliver says “The few hours I spent at SAOC were extremely valuable and reinforced my desire to join the RAF as an Air Operations Control Officer. I can’t thank Rotary enough for making the visit possible and aiding me in the process of joining the RAF.”

PDG Richard Green

Club Meeting 15.9.20

At the Club meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday 15th September 2020, we were lucky enough to have as our guest Speaker, Past District Governor Roger Summers. Roger gave us a fascinating talk about ‘the funny side of forensics’.
The photo shows a full screen of Rotarians listening with fascination to Roger’s talk.
Just be careful about licking a stamp, biting someone or leaving a bare footprint- the forensic scientist could identify you!’

Rotary Club Zooming into History

Celebrating its Centenary Year in 2021

The Rotary Club of The City of Wolverhampton zoomed into the history books on Tuesday July7th when two new lady members were welcomed into the club via Zoom. Forty seven members and guests were present on-screen as the welcome to the two ladies was accompanied by the introduction of the new President for 1920/21 former City Treasurer Brian Bailey.

Rotarian Katie Guest

Katie Guest, development manager at the Royal Air Force Museum, Cosford and Sally Woods, a community fundraiser at Compton Care are the first duo in the country, and probably the world, to have received a virtual welcome into Rotary International. Katie and Sally bring the total of women in the City Club to eight. A remarkable achievement when only twelve months ago there were no lady members.

Rotarian Sally Woods

The prestigious City Club will be celebrating its centenary in 2021with high profile events planned to celebrate the work that Rotary has undertaken, wherever it has been needed.. Sterling work was undertaken during World War 2, help has always been forthcoming at times of national and international disaster and today the City Club continues to be at the forefront of voluntary community service helped by funding from its massive Dragon Boats and Best Foot Forward events and the familiar Tree of Remembrance in The Wulfrun Centre at Christmas.

The Rotary Club of The City of Wolverhampton has recently spearheaded ‘Let‘s Talk Rotary and You‘. A campaign aimed at encouraging membership from men and women of all ages, where they can enjoy the true friendship engendered by giving something back to their community. The club Membership and Development lead is Jeremy Hobbs (07929 323606) and he would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like more information about becoming  a part of this ambitious club.



Wolverhampton Young Musician of the Year

L-R Rotary District Governor Ken Wagstaffe, Past District Governor Richard Green,Mayor Councillor Claire Darke, and Alice Bennett.

I represented the club at the presentation of a trophy and cheque on behalf of Rotary in Wolverhampton to 18 year old saxophonist Alice Bennett who has been selected by the Wolverhampton Schools Music Service as the Young Musician of the Year.


The presentation, which normally takes place at the pre tour concert of the Youth Orchestra, was held in the bandstand at West Park in the presence of the Mayor Councillor Claire Darke, and the District Governor, Ken Wagstaffe – attending his first engagement of the new Rotary year.

Alice has just left Wolverhampton High School for Girls and hopes to pursue a career as a professional musician. In addition to playing the saxophone, she is an accomplished violinist and is the leader of the Youth Orchestra. She hopes to do a gap year carrying out voluntary work overseas before going to music college. She is currently doing voluntary work with our District Alumni Association on the Books4Home project.

PDG Richard Green