Best Foot Forward- a runaway success

Wolverhampton really did put their best feet forward on Saturday July 7th. We thought that there could be an issue in reaching the target number of laps in order to release the Charity Pot kindly donated by the event Patrons.
One of the hottest days of the year and a huge football match- both of which could possibly disrupt our aims.
The day started off with a bang – hundreds of people hitting the track- walking and running- but they came in numbers. Our hourly lap records of previous year being continually broken.
Then the hourly count dropped, as we approached kick off- from well over 2,000 through 1,100, 750, 500 down to 250.
There  was  no doubt by 4pm that we would fall short, by 500 to 600 laps, of our target of 12,625 laps needed to release the entire Charity Pot.
Then people started to drift back after the England match.
The count went back up to 400 ……., then 500………………..
With minutes to go it was announced that,  with  a push we might yet  hit the target  – chips were put back on creaking ankles, strides lengthened, pace quickened.
At 7.56, with four minutes to go,  we hit the target – ending up with 12,666 laps.
Oh so close……..but job done!
Everyone who came to Aldersley yesterday and completed anything between one lap, or the highest number completed -190 laps (Brian Slater) should be proud of themselves for the effort it took to make this all work. For most of the day in the sun, as almost all of the track is, it was up to 40c. We certainly handed out a lot of water!
The website gallery and full results will be updated shortly – please take a look in a few days.
So on behalf of The Rotary Club of Wolverhampton, the Patrons of the event and the charities that the event was raising monies for- THANK YOU and WELL DONE.

Presidents Induction Day July 3rd 2018

On the club meeting on 3rd of July President Paul Lockley delivered his Presidential Address to the Club for his 2018/2019 year. He presented new Vice President Richard Horrell with his chain of office. President Paul also welcomed visitors from other clubs and guests to the meeting.

From left to right — Vice President Richard Horrell, President Paul Lockley, Secretary Gerry Peters and Treasurer Stewart Ross.

From left to right — Vice President Richard Horrell, Penny Horrell, President Paul Lockley and Barbara Lockley.

President Paul Lockley also welcomed Barbara and Penny to the Induction Meeting.

Persistence pays off- well done Geoff!

President Paul Lockley presents PP Geoff Lowndes with the Rotathlon Cup for 2017/2018. The Rotathlon is a series of social sports events involving club members. The events include darts, dominoes, snooker, pitch ‘n’ put, boules, crown green bowls, carpet boules and slot car racing. After many years of taking part this is the first time Geoff has won the cup, so congratulations are very much in order.

Past District Governor Richard Green reaches the pinnacle of his Rotary career.

At last, my name is on the wall of a school toilet! It’s in a village called Duddenhalli, about 40 kms south of Bangalore in Southern India. It appears on a plaque, unveiled by me to mark the first of 6 new school toilets under a Rotary Foundation Global Grant project valued at $40000, to bring fresh water and sanitation to these schools in remote villages in accordance with one of the Rotary Foundation’s six areas of focus for grant funded projects..

The project is a joint venture between the Foundation/International committee of the Wolverhampton club and the Rotary club of Bangalore Peenya and it was my honour to be invited to attend the inauguration ceremony during a visit to India in May and June this year. I invited the head boy and girl of the school to help me to unveil the plaque and then President Savitha Suresh of the Peenya club and I duly cut the ribbon at the entrance door.


When the building work has been completed in all 6 schools it is estimated that we will have improved the well being and the quality of school life for over 2500 children.

New Honorary Life Membership Awarded

The President of The Rotary Club of Wolverhampton, Paul Lockley, today presented Past President David King with an Honorary Lifetime Membership of the club at his home. David became a member of the club in 1995 and has served as President and two terms as Club Secretary. His passion in Rotary was International work and he chaired this particular committee for many years whilst still finding time to edit and publish the club monthly magazine, Hub. David was particularly proud to receive a Paul Harris Fellowship in 2006 and said today that this award had also made him very happy. The promise of all Rotarians is “Service above Self” and David has lived up to this every day of his Rotary life. Well done David, very well deserved.

Dragons Roar at Himley

The sun was shining and the crowds came!

The winning team- Hawkes Home Improvement- raising funds for the Sedgley Scorpions Junior Football Teama and Rotary Charities.

Himley Park was the scene of the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton’s 18th Dragon Boat Event. Thousands came along to see the spectacle of 18 teams of paddlers

on the Great Lake, while at the same time, raising thousands of pounds for their own chosen good cause, and at the same time, the Roatary Charitable Trust.

Its a superb team effort that makes this special event such a success with £360,000 being raised in the previous 17 years.

Third place team- Jonahs Arc from UTC

Much more about the event can be seen at


A very Special Evening

Eighty-six Rotarians, partners and friends representing a large number of clubs assembled at Linden House on 13th March to celebrate Vocational Study Exchange (VSE) and the Michael Beetham Aircraft Restoration Centre (MB). Cormac Doyle, VSE team leader, introduced Maddie and Adam who presented aspects of their recent trip to Bangalore where they werevery well looked after by local Rotarians. They  visited factories with a technological gamut from ‘welding in flipflops’ to ‘lathes the size of this room’.  The cultural aspect of their two week visit was not neglected as several colour slides of temples , pilgrimage sites and a wedding attested. Maddie, Adam (and the absent Nicola) were inducted as Rotary  Alumni before it was the turn of several apprentices at the MB Centre to present themselves and their activities, including their visit to a similar group in Norway last year. Brian Bailey, Wolverhampton’s chairman of Youth and Community Service surveyed the many youth activities which we support before trainer Mick Shepherd introduced Daniel, Corey, Tom, Maddie again and Josh.  Their three year apprenticeship at Cosford  (combined with college courses) involves them in  marvellous aircraft restoration activity with transferable skills for their later careers. Josh Sault was awarded the George Sidebotham trophy (with instructions not to break it!)  but it was the view of us all that he was a peer amongst equals in this impressive group.Thanks to the staff of Linden House and the organisers for a very convivial evening. Stuart Williams.