District 1210 Young Musician Final


Wolverhampton Rotary club played host to the District 1210 Final of the Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland 2019 national Young Musican Competition at Wolverhampton Music School on Sunday 3rd. March, with Past District Governor Richard Green as MC.

A superb line up of 6 instrumentalists and 6 vocalists, having won competitions at club level from across District 1210 in Staffordshire, Shropshire and parts of the West Midlands provided a memorable afternoon for a packed audience.

Kizzy Lumley Edwards (vocalist)

Jia Ying Wu piano)

Adjudicators James Thorpe, Simon Whitmore and Peter Aplin had an extermely difficult task to select the winners but eventually chose Kizzy Lumley Edwards (vocalist) from Ellesmere College, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ellesmere, and Jia Ying Wu (piano) from King Edwards Camp Hill School for girls, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Dudley, to go forward to the Regional Final which will be at Dean Close School, Cheltenham on March 31st.

PDG Richard Green


The Beautiful Crocus- The Rotary Campaign.

The purple crocus, which is the emblem for Rotary’s campaign to eliminate polio from the world, are in bloom in Bantock Park in

Wolverhampton. This beautiful display, created in November by the Rotary club of Wolverhampton with the help of local schoolchildren,

serves to raise public awareness of the massive effort made by Rotary clubs throughout the world to defeat this horrible disease.


When the project started in 1985 there were over 1000 new cases every day somewhere in the world. Last year, there were only 33 new cases – 12 in Pakistan and 21 in Afghanistan. As of 19th February 2019 there have been 6 new cases reported this year. Rotarians have donated $1.8 billion to the campaign, to which the Gates Foundation had added $450 million match funding.

PDG Richard Green

Young Musician Competition – Wolverhampton Area Round

Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland Young Musician Competition –
Wolverhampton Area Round

President Elect Richard Horrell makes a special presentation to winning
instrumentalist Rosalind Fearnehough.

Rosalind, age 17, attends St. Peters Collegiate school. She has achieved a
merit in her grade 8  ABRSM exam and plans to pursue a career as a
professional trombonist. As well as playing in the Wolverhampton Youth
Orchestra, she has performed at Ronnie Scott’s jazz club in London.

Exceptional Young Musicians

Another quite exceptional array of young musical talent on display at the Wolverhampton Area Round of the 2019 Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland Young Musician Competition, Sunday, Feb 3rd. The adjudicators Simon Platford and Peter Edwards had a really difficult task to select the winners but they eventually selected Fiona Winning (vocalist) and Rosalind Fearnehough (instrumentalist – trombone) to go forward to the District Final on March 3rd.

Rotarian PDG Richard Green.

Another Success for the Tree of Remembrance

President Paul presented cheques to the main charities supported by The Tree of Remembrance at Christmastime. We managed to raise just over £6,000 and each of the charities featured received a cheque for £1,400. Left to right;
Susan Husband MS Therapy Centre, President Paul Lockley, Vicki Wootton Compton Care and Hayley Powell The Haven Wolverhampton. Contributions were also made to Help for Heroes and to Compton Care choir, the balance was retained for Rotary Charities. Thank you to everyone who supported us in this project particularly the people of Wolverhampton and surrounding areas for their generosity.

Bonjour Wolverhampton

Come and join members of the five Wolverhampton Rotary Clubs for an evening of pure fun with more than a little French influence on Saturday February 16th. Details on attached poster below-

Call Pete Hall  on 01902 751067 or 07973 892588

or email pete.g.hall@gmail.com
Organised by the Rotary Club of Wolverhampton St.Georges



Rotary Shoeboxes Deliver Again

Handing over the filled Shoeboxes to Paul at Internation Aid Trust’s warehouse.

Once again, the Club and its friends deliver happiness in a Rotary Shoebox.

During November and early December, Shoeboxes were donated to the club for onward transportation to the International Aid Trust warehouse in Preston.

The boxes will be heading out to Eastern Europe- Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.

The collection made by Causeway Green Primary School of Oldbury. Minion included!

Grandad’s little helper- Dylan- helping Peter to fill the last few Shoeboxes at Bethel Christian Fellowship.

The Royal School in Wolverhampton, Causeway Green Primary School in Oldbury, Bethel Christian Fellowship and The Rotary Club of Wolverhampton’s members and friends donated a wonderful total of 157 boxes.


The boxes are filled not only with items for children and teenagers, but also household goods for families in need.

Peter and Dennis Simpson of Bethel Christian Fellowship.

The scheme really does bring benefits to very many people and we certainly thank everyone who contributed.

Mike Boyce

Foreman for the day- Dylan Boyce salutes his fine work in stacking many boxes.