A lifeline for farmers.

The Rotary club of the City of Woverhampton is pleased to be a partner in a Rotary Foundation global grant project valued at $92,000 by which a series of check dams are being constructed in the southern Indian state of Karnataka.

In conjunction with the local clubs of Bangalore Sadishavanagar and Pavagada we joined hands with a Rotary club in New Hampshire, USA to bring a flavour of international cooperation to the project due for completion in August, and which is also supported by a grant from our own District’s Designated Fund.

It was realised that during the monsoon season, the rivers flood and the water used to run away to the sea. Now those waters will be retained, The farmers will be able to irrigate their crops all year round and the water table in the surrounding fields will rise.

A project truly in keeping with one of the Rotary Foundation’s 7 seven Areas of Focus – community and economic development.

PDG Richard Green