Compton Care Recognition Wall

Compton Care have created a Recognition Wall in their lovely garden.

This wall recognises those organisations and individuals who over the years have been pivotal in  supporting Compton Care. The Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton were heavily involved in the setting up of Compton Hospice in 1982 and have raised funds for a number of projects over the years. Rotarians from the club attended the official opening of the Recognition Wall.

The Best Day Ever!

In association with the Rotary KidsOut charity, clubs across Great Britain and Ireland gave a huge number of disadvantaged children a day out to remember. Last year, 20,174 children visited 73 venues free of charge.

This year on June the12th.,the Rotary club of The City of Wolverhampton once again played its part by arranging for local children to have a day out at Twycross Zoo and Warwick Castle.

Here’s what one school told us:

“Our group had a fabulous day and really enjoyed seeing all of the animals (and completing the treasure hunt which was a big success!)

Even our more quiet and reserved pupils came home smiling and were very animated having experienced the parakeets, monkeys and giraffes.

One pupil described it as the ‘best day ever’, and all enjoyed themselves with the added surprise of an ice cream.

Several pupils checked out of their day as feeling grateful and asked I extended this to you and Rotary Kids Out.

Thank-you again for thinking of us and providing our children with a fabulous day out.”

PDG Richard Green