Welcome to our New Member

Please give a warm welcome to our newest member.

Violeta Saladiene 

She is a Lithuanian lady who has been living with her family in Wolverhampton for the last 11 years. She is a freelance interpreter for Ministry of Justice and a speaker and a podcaster.   Her family has grown up now and she wants to help people who are less fortunate than herself. She had heard about the wonderful work that Rotary does and wanted to get involved. So she contacted me and we talked.

She liked what she heard and in the short time I have known her she has been to our District conference and is already getting involved with our Tree of Remembrance.

I’m sure she will make a great contribution to our club.

People like Violeta will make a difference.

That’s what we’re all about.

Past president Sylvia Morgan

Rotary Jaipur Limb

We are delighted to announce that the Rotary Club of Quilon, Kerala, India, has made the Rotary Excellence award to the RJLP lead ambassador in India, PDG Scaria Jose, in recognition of his long serving and unstinting support for the disabled across India. His latest achievement has been to advise the Quilon club in their successful bid for a Rotary Foundation Global Grant to carry out 5 mega limb camps.


RJLP Trustee PDG Richard Green was similarly honoured during his visit to the club in February 2023 when a meeting was held to begin the process of making the application. The funds, to the value of $33,679, are due to be transferred from the Rotary Foundation in week commencing June 19th., so that the project will commence imminently.

In a separate development, PDGs Scaria Jose and Richard Green are currently working closely together to increase the number of RJLP ambassadors across India so as to grow the knowledge of our activities and to raise further funds, meaning that more projects can be undertaken. Currently 7 new ambassadors have been appointed and full details will be released when the team is complete.