Ukraine Thankyou Party

Peter Wright and I, along with representatives of the other Wolverhampton Rotary clubs were invited to a ‘thankyou’ party at the Wolverhampton Branch of the Association of Ukainians in the UK. The centre is called ‘Razom,’which is the Ukrainian for ‘together,’and the party was arranged to take place the day after Ukrainian Independence Day, Thursday August 24th.


Our good friend Hryhorij Kowalczuk – known to us as ‘Greg’ – was fulsome in his gratitude and praise for numerous local organisations that have provided a very great deal of support, donations and goodwill for the more than 300 Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in Wolverhampton since the start of the conflict. Also, desparately needed items such as generators,and relief goods have been sent to countries bordering Ukraine for distribution in the camps there.  Many groups, companies and individuals were named, but Greg singled out the Rotary clubs in the City for special praise, making particlar mention of the £5000 worth of goods that we supplied funded to the most part by a Disaster Response Grant from the Rotary

PDG Richard Green



A Celebration at the Ukrainian Church-an appreciation by Richard Green

Peter Wright, Cynthia, Alder and I were delighted to be invited to attend the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian church in Wolverhampton.

There was a most moving service – conducted mostly in Ukrainian by the Archpriest Very Rev Mykola Matwijiwskyj with frequent passages in English. Our good friend ‘Greg’ – whose full name is Hryhorij Kowalczuk – had assembled a choir of around 30 voices and their singing was superb. The 3 priests officiating were ably assisted by another good friend of Rotary. We know him as ‘Michael’ but we should acknowledge him again by his Ukrainian name – Mykhailo Fedyk.

At one point in the service, our attention was drawn to 2 icons – metal military protection body armour which had been made by Collins Aerospace of Coventry and worn by 2 soldiers of the Ukrainian army. Bullet holes were clearly visible and we were told that they had saved the servicemen’s lives with the result that the plates have been decorated with religious symbols as an act of thanksgiving. (shown in the attached photgraph.)

After the service everybody went across the road to ‘Razom’ – the Wolverhampton Association of Ukrainians’social club to be treated to an excellent meal of typically Ukrainian food and colorful entertainment. There was an amusing and interesting speech by the Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Doctor Michael Hardcacre, in which he praised the part played in our community by the many Ukrainians in the city.


It was gratifying to hear from Greg in his speech how much the support from all the local Rotary clubs which has been given to the many Ukrainian refugees who have arrived is appreciated.


Photographs by