Rotary Young Musician Competition

Come and have a great afternoon of entertainment! Everybody welcome! 

The Wolverhampton clubs’ area round of the Rotary Young Musician competition will take place at 2.30pm on Sunday Feb 5th at the Wolverhampton Music Hub, Graisley Hill, WV2 4NE.

6 local clubs are sponsoring 13 terrific youngsters who will be performing on a range of instruments from percussion to flute,clarinet, french horn and violin  playing classis and jazz; the singers will be including songs from the shows and many favourite melodies.

If you’ve been before,you’ll know we are blessed in the Wolverhampton area with young people of extraordinary talent, so an extremely enjoyable afternoon is in prospect.

Entrance  £3 by programme, payable on the door.


Support for young people.

Rotary Books4Home aims to give the gift of a book for youngsters to read, take home and keep.  The project empowers children to develop their love of reading and experience the chance to own books of their own. It also allows them to share that love of reading with their family.

Zainab & Henrique receiving their signed copies of books from Michael Morpurgo and Jacqueline Wilson to celebrate Rotary Books4Home gifting 100,000 children in D1210 with a book of their very own to read, take home and keep forever. In the background, The Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire Ian Dudson, , Beverley Ricketts (co-chair District Alumni Association)and the Chief Executive of Staffordshire County Council John Henderson.

Rotarians throughout District 1210 have donated storage space for the books, transport assistance and book sorting time. We contact schools and liaise with them to get Rotary Books4Home projects working in many different areas of our large district.

A celebration was held on Sunday January 8th at Stafford Council Hall to celebrate the 100,000th book that has been provided across the District.

Golden Tickets had been printed and added to 4 books. These were then sent out to schools in a usual delivery of books. The youngsters chose books as they do normally.

The Golden Tickets were then discovered by the children in their books.

The lucky youngsters were

Zainab, from St Marks CofE Primary School, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent 10 yrs old

Henrique, St Albans CofE Primary Academy, Wednesfield 9 almost 10 yrs old

Connor, Sherbrook Primary, Cannock 11 yrs old and

Tomasz Southall School, Telford 14 yrs old.

These children came to the celebration and in front of a large gathering of Rotarians they received special prizes of children’s books signed by the authors.


A Little Rotary Cheer

The 2K’s Project Christmas 2022.

Towards the end of the year an appeal was made to club members to try to bring in some funds to provide a little Rotary cheer to the youngsters at two schools that our club supports. Firstly, the Kanyama Free Baptist school in Lusaka, Zambia, and secondly, the Kimbilio Primary School in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. The club has supported these organisations for some years now and both have  been visited by one of our club members.  

The intention was to provide a Christmas Party- a fun day- so that the youngsters there can experience something similar to that which our children and grandchildren here in UK routinely enjoy. 11 members, plus two friends of the club between them donated, when gift aid added, £1,148 which was split equally and despatched to the teams in Zambia and the DRC so that they could start getting organised.

The head teacher of the Kanyama School (Beston Chilemalema) and local charity director in Lubumbashi (Carine Nono) both sent photos and video clips of the youngsters having a wonderful time.

It was just what we had in mind. To have a bottle of fizzy pop- biscuits, sweets and a meal with, for a change, sausage in it, or a little chicken-  a rarity. Even Santa Claus made a special appearance.

That we are able to bring some delight into the lives of nearly 600 youngsters, twelve teachers and other team members is really rather marvellous.

So thank you to every member who contributed.  Your donation really went a long way.

Read more about both schools on our website-

on  the International Support page.