District Governor Steve Antill with Club President Sylvia Morgan, Derek Morgan and Robin Tyler-Morris
On 15 th October 4 Rotarians- Richard Green, Robin Tyler Morris and Derek and I attended the first face to face conference in 3 yrs. It took place in Stone at Yarfield Conference centre. It was lovely to be back meeting old friends and whilst there were only 110 people attending it was good to see a good number of clubs represented. Lots of good speakers . Some new ideas around fundraising and ideas around working together. Most clubs experiencing the same problems as we do especially around members coming back after the Covid . Although our district has apparently increased membership by 5per cent. Food was ok but great value for money as the day was only £40 inclusive of food and tea coffee and cakes and biscuits included.
Next year they are planning a weekend in Telford fancy dress apparently on the cards so watch this space. The VSE team gave their presentation which was very good they had been in Denmark for two weeks the Denmark team will be doing a visit here during this Rotary year. We shall probably organise a visit from our VSE team to the club early in the new year . We also did the mile walk for end polio before lunch raising over £700 which will be matched by district Then doubled by the Bill Gates trust. A day well spent. We enjoyed being able to share ideas and experiences with our Rotary friends .
And finally, Troy Allen from the Bloxwich Phoenix club promised PDG Frazer Dukes that he would dye his hair purple until the last case of polio was eradicated from the world. It’s still purple today with 23 cases reported in the world. He is keeping his promise. Let’s keep ours too so please come and help us plant our crocuses in Bantock park this Friday 10-30 am till 12pm. We need your help. Troy also won the Frazer Dukes award for his steadfast support of the Rotary Foundation .
President Sylvia Morgan.