Rotary Young Musician Competition


Are you a young musician? Do you want the chance to perform in front of an audience and get feedback from experienced judges? The Rotary Young Musician competition will be held at Wolverhampton Music School at 2:30pm on Sunday 5th February. Any amateur young musician can enter providing you’re in full time education and no older than 18 on 31st August 2022.

You’ll need to sing or play two contrasting pieces of any style and your programme mustn’t be longer than 10 minutes. You can be an instrumentalist or vocalist of any level, and you can enter individually or through your music teacher. You’ll be performing in front of experienced judges who will be giving supportive feedback to help you develop – and you might win!

You can find the full Information Pack here –…/1HFRxIH8irk5zb1G6FCq…/view… and download the entry form here –…/1cX2cpR-ahgcqZq1xpwR…/edit….


Please send completed entry forms no later than December 16th 2022 to the competition organiser;

PDG Richard Green by clicking this link- Richard Green


Rotary Young Musician Competition.

District Governor Visit.

On the 27 th September District Governor of our District 1210 Steve Antill visited us . His message was received by our club and and was taken on board . It was loud and clear trhat Rotary is working hard in our district, and in the world to help people where and when ever we can . Rotary is a World Wide organisation . We in the City of Wolverhampton club are busy working with our community to provide help for people in need. Looking at our website you will see many causes we are supporting. If you want to know more about us you will find contact details on our website. We would welcome your help to help others less fortunate than our selves.
Thank you
Sylvia Morgan
President Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton .