Welcoming Ukrainian Refugees.

All four Wolverhampton based Rotary clubs came   together to present £4000 of essential food equipment and clothing for the Ukrainian citizens arriving in Wolverhampton. Each club received through our foundation a £1000 and each of the clubs will be providing goods and services to the value of £1000 each. The Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton will be buying essential clothes for displaced refugees.

Also, during the recent Rotary Dragon Boat event at Himley park, spectator donations were received and donated for the benefit of recently arrived Ukrainian refugees here in Wolverhampton.

President Sylvia Morgan

Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year.


Only THREE WEEKS to go to Nominate for the Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the year Rotary Awards

The deadline for nominating young people for The Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the year Rotary awards is 31st.  July.

Organising Committee Chairman Roger Timbrell, said:

‘If you know a young person between the ages of 13 and 25 who deserves to be recognised for their kindness, volunteering or service to their school, community or local organisation, please go to: www.wolverhamptonyoungcitizen.org.uk  to nominate them

Finalists will be selected in August and invited to the awards ceremony on 15th September hosted in the Civic Suite by the Mayor, Cllr. Sandra Samuels who is one of the judges. Many of those who are not selected as finalists, but who have made a significant contributions to their community, will receive certificates of commendation’ signed by the Mayor.

Awards will be given in two age categories : 13 – 18 and 19 – 25.

These awards are devised and are sponsored by the four Rotary Clubs in the City and organised in partnership with the City Council, The Express and Star, Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation and supported by Carvers Building Supplies Ltd. and the James Beattie Charitable Trust.


Contact: Roger Timbrell    roger.timbrell@yahoo.co.uk

tel : 07885 944030