The Rotary Foundation- helping in Ethiopia.

The previous laundry facilities.

The first load going through the new laundry.

City of Wolverhampton club President Richard Green has just completed another assignment, serving as Rotary Foundation Cadre Technical advisor on a $104,000 Global Grant project to construct and equip a new laundry for the perinatal/ maternity wing of the Gondar University Hospital in war-torn Ethiopia. Working in partnership with Rotary clubs in Del Mar near San Diego, California USA and the local club, Gondar Fasilides, a commercial sized washing machine, dryer, water purifier and autoclave in the new building were provided. Another vital member of the team was architect Rotarian cadre member Ron Pickford from Australia.

The hospital maternity staff were under severe difficulties because of the unrest in their country; virtual meetings and site inspections were often difficult to arrange.

A truly international team effort made possible by funding from the Rotary Foundation together with the goodwill of a large number of Rotarians across the world.


Rotary Young Musician Competition

After a gap of 2 years, it’s great to be able to give our talented young people a chance to show off their musical and singing skills.

The Young Musician Competition  is part of Rotary’s commitment to provide a wide range of opportunities for youth. Everybody is welcome to come along and be thoroughly entertained by the performers’ incredible abilities.