Tree of Remembrance Chairman Mike Colley receiving a certificate of thanks from The Haven’s Hayley Powell.
Hayley Powell was our speaker on 4th February, a week after receiving the Tree cheque for The Haven. She spoke passionately about the ‘global domestic abuse epidemic’. The Haven is clearly helping effectively in its 5 refuges – there are 275 refuges in England and Wales. (This compares badly with the c.1500 animal refuges!) St Georges Hub receives abused men. 1 in 4 women are affected by abuse in England and Wales. Not just physical abuse (‘battering’) but sexual, honour-based, forced marriage, financial, coercive control and ‘gaslighting’. Children (up to 16 years) must also be catered for in the Haven’s list of advice and therapy sessions : legal., benefits , finance, and, when the women and children leave the refuge , help with resettlement. Their therapeutic services include self-esteem sessions, yoga, knitting, hairdressing as well as visits to the swimming baths, a farm the Safari Park. The Haven is fulfilling a much needed role as it deals with often harrowing cases. Is action being taken to combat this epidemic? Well the word is going out and the stories reach the Archers and the Soaps. Are the abusers being dealt with? In both cases there continues to be more to do and Hayley expressed deep gratitude for our help.
The Club is also proud to announce that The Haven will be one of the beneficiary charities from the Best Foot Forward event at Aldersley Leisure Village on Saturday July 4th