We will beat this horrible disease!!

This morning the Wolverhampton Rotarians were supported by The City of Wolverhampton Park Rangers, Eastfield Primary School and the Bantock Park Users Group. Our thanks to them all.
PPG Richard Green
The Rotary Young Musicians Competition 2019 is open for instrumentalists and singers up to the age of 17 to take part in this great, well organised and successful event.
A first round will be at Wolverhampton Music School, Graisley Hill at 4pm on Sunday, February 3rd. 2019, leading onto District, Regional and National finals. Other first rounds take place across the West Midlands, Staffordshire and Shropshire areas. Please contact the organiser below for details.
The competition aims to offer young people:
*The experience of performing on a public stage.
*An opportunity to showcase their musical talent.
*Impartial feedback and assessment of their performance by experienced adjudicators.
Entrants perform 2 pieces of contrasting style lasting up to 10 minutes in all.
Full details can be found at www.rotarygbi.org/projects/young-people/competitions
or by contacting Rotarian Richard Green at richard.green51@talktalk.net for the competition guidelines and an entry form.