Hello and welcome to the Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton website.
Rotary is a means by which men and women are able to invest their time, their skills and their energies to improve the circumstances of those in need.
Rotary has its own international charity – The Rotary Foundation.
This achieves its aims in a number of ways, including
- operating the largest educational scholarship programme in the world,
- managing an extensive programme of aid to underdeveloped countries,
- providing substantial emergency disaster relief and
- spear-heading a 30 year campaign which has seen Polio transformed from a disease which was endemic in 125 countries, with over 1,000 new cases every day, to the position today where there are a handful of cases in just three countries- so nearly wiped out, but so difficult to finish off.
As well as The Rotary Foundation, each of the movement’s 34,000 clubs throughout the world has its own programme of activities designed to direct help where it is most needed- the total value of all schemes delivered by Rotary is prodigious.

Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton provided the desks for the new N’garoni Primary School in Moshi, near Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.