English actress Jenny Seagrove has accepted an invitation to become Patron of the Rotary Jaipur Limb charity at the invitation of a member of its management committee, Rotarian Richard Green, Immediate Past District Governor for Staffordshire, Shropshire and parts of the West Midlands.
Richard has known Jenny Seagrove for a long time, and is delighted she has accepted the invitation to become the Rotary Jaipur Limb Patron.
He said today: “As a result of showing her the Rotary Jaipur Limb newsletter and a DVD of a visit to a centre in India by Paul Merton, my good friend the actress Jenny Seagrove has agreed to become our Patron which is marvellous.”

Jenny Seagrove, who has a great love of horses.
He said Jenny had starred in television dramatisations and films and was probably best known for her role as the character Jo Mills in the long running BBC drama series Judge John Deed.
Her latest film, ‘Another Mothers Son’ is currently playing to full houses throughout the UK.
Said Jenny. 59: “I am delighted to be joining this wonderful organisation as Patron. There is no doubt in my mind that the work they do gives people in need their independence and therefore their lives back.”
Her appointment comes at a time when the charity is anxious to counter a statement by the Indian High Commissioner in which he said ‘trade not aid.’
Said Richard: “Rotary is a non-political organisation and therefore neither I, nor my fellow trustees, who are all Rotarians across the country, wish to become political in any way.
“We simply want to highlight the great work done by the Rotary Jaipur Limb charity and at the same time welcome Jenny on board as our Patron.”
He explained that he wanted to join the Rotary Jaipur Limb project for the last three years, but had to wait until his year of service as District Governor of 1210 for Staffordshire, Shropshire and parts of the West Midland was over.
“My interest in the project stemmed from a ‘Rotary Moment’ I experienced whilst visiting the Jaipur Limb Centre in the MS Ramiah Hospital in Bangalore in August 2013.

Rotarian Richard Green on his visit to the Rotary Jaipur Limb charity.
“I was hosted by the Rotary Club of Sadashinvanagar, District 3190, who operate the centre.
“During my visit, I was introduced to a man who had contracted polio as a child, had a severe limp and had therefore been unable to find work.
“Again, during my visit, he had been measured for callipers – another function of the Rotary Jaipur Limb centres – and was told he could come back the next day to have them fitted, free of charge.
“As we were walking back across the car park at the end of my visit, he came to me with tears in his eyes and handed me a flower as a gesture.
“When I asked my host to translate what he was saying it was ‘Thank you Rotary – now I can earn a living.’ How remarkable. This really does highlight the great work which is being carried out by the Rotary Jaipur Limb.”
Rotarian Richard added that there were so many examples of work being carried out through the amazing efforts of the Rotary clubs of Tanquieta and Cotonou in a new centre set up in Benin. Recipients were being fitted with new limbs, crutches, callipers and extended shoes for balance. They were able to compare the excellent work being done and the benefit compared to the very expensive and ugly limbs previously available.
Said Richard: “For so many amputees around the world the provision of a Jaipur limb or foot not only gives mobility, but provides independence and a new life.”
“An exciting innovation has also been 3D printing. This new and successful development has been of considerable benefit as its first main purpose was to manufacture a hand for a little girl who was able to use it within minutes of fitment.
“In fact, two hands were made so that the young girl could choose the best colour – pink or yellow – for her use at the appropriate time.”