Rotarians are ordinary people doing extraordinary things by doing good in the world, but we’re also cheerful, friendly people with a great sense of enjoyment and fellowship. Our social events are a wonderful source of happiness for all our members and their families, young and old; on these pages, we’ll display examples of our gatherings when we don’t carry out fund raising – we just have fun.
On this page, we will post a record of some of the events which have occurred during the current Rotary year.
Walking and Lunching 16th April.
We started our walk from the Oddfellows car park at 10am as planned with a really good response from club members with 25 people joining in.
The walk was along the canal from the Oddfellows car park to the Wolverhampton MS centre and back to the Oddfellows to pick up the cars and drive to our lunch spot.
At the MS Centre, Paula Anderson and her team set up coffee and cake and extended their usual hospitality and were very grateful for our donation.
Members both new and long-standing were represented .Even a potential new member joined us both on the walk and for lunch which was finally enjoyed at the Fieldhouse pub in Whitwick.
Our original choice of restaurant had to be rapidly re-thought as there were too many of and we could not all be seated.
We were not to be thwarted though and after checking around found
that the Fieldhouse was the an available option for our 25 for lunch.
The Fieldhouse did an excellent meal and the service was exemplary.The atmosphere and the fellowship was great quite like old times .
My special thanks to VP Lorraine McCarthy who was able to get members to pre order making the service for us and the Fieldhouse so much better.
All in all – a very successful day .
Prresident Sylvia.
An evening on “The Cut” Friday, 9th September
On Friday, 9th September, the old comment “quality not quantity” was well evidence by the fact that just five Rotarians and wives (joined by 30 other like-minded passengers) enjoyed a narrowboat trip on the Stourbridge canal for a Fellowship meeting event.
We assembled for the 7.30 departure amidst cries of “mice in the scuppers” – “ahoy me hearties” – “Is Long John Silver joining us ?” – “do I need to show my passport?” and soon after we got under way a superb three-piece jazz band struck-up with many favourites of the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s accompanied by delightful vocalist Marilyn Bose (she of former Inner Wheel fame !)
The on-board bar swung into action (as soon as we had cleared “international waters” !!) and the first customers were the ever-thirsty Wolverhampton Rotarians anxious to make shrewd investments in duty-free beer and vino… ……..
At the half-way point in the trip, the customary fish and chip suppers were delivered to the boat – (adventures on the high-seas certainly sharpens up the appetite !) and we safely returned to terra-firma an hour later after a rousing rendition finale of Sweet Caroline (with audience participation – both verbally and physically…..!!)
So, who went? Richard and Penny Horrell; Stewart and Sue Ross; Robin and Carol Tyler-Morris; Stuart and Jeni Williams and “the Woolleys” – (I had promised Mary a Caribbean cruise but she opted for the Stourbridge canal instead…….)
Finally, our thanks go to Peter Hand for organising the event but he was sadly unable to attend.
Brian W.
Fellowship Chairman
Rotathlon Pitch and Putt Wednesday 3rd August 2022
On a warm Wednesday afternoon, six budding (well, they told me they were!!!)Tiger Woods; Arnold Palmer; Jack Nicklaus: Nick Faldo; Gary Player “lookalikes” gathered at Ledene Golf Course to do battle for the Rotathlon competition. (let me say, I was not present for the event so have to rely on imagination as to the mysteries of a golf competition and what actually happened !). Listening to the post-mortem later on in the Clubhouse ( the Oddfellows pub !!) I gathered that the Open and Ryder Cup events ran a poor second where technical expressions like “chipping our of bunkers/birdies and pars/water hazards/stance/sand traps/ follow-throughs/a lost ball punished by death…..” were enthusiastically and heatedly debated.
There followed an enjoyable meal at The Oddfellows where, following Stewart’s audit inspection (and translation) of score-cards ,it somehow emerged that the joint winners were Charles Cox and Mel Eves (who kindly bought drinks all round) followed by David Cheadle in 3rd place and Stewart Ross in 4th. The other participants were Richard Horrell and Peter Williams. The usual “one-man Supporters Club” of Brian Woolley enjoyed the fellowship (and fish and chips !) at The Oddfellows.
My thanks to Stewart for organising the event and the above named others for their support. Another Fellowship event bites the dust !!
Brian W.
Fellowship Chairman
Garden Visit Tuesday 21st June 2022
On a glorious sunny day on 21st June, 34 visitors (including 19 Rotarians) gathered at the lovely home and garden of Brian and Anne Bailey for a Fellowship visit event.
Brian had obviously worked hard in his wonderful garden of flowers, trees, shrubs, lawns not to mention his award-winning special features of an oriental garden, tea house, gothic summerhouse and seashell grotto. Meantime, Anne had slaved over a hot stove to
produce a mouth-watering assortment of wonderful cakes and scones which were devoured in half the time they took to make and all accompanied by tea and coffee.
Our very own professional cake-eater, Peter Wright, was seen making several visits to the cake table and was last seen (at the end of the event) walking to his car with a suspicious package wrapped in tinfoil (presumably in case he needed a “cake-fix” at 3 a.m…..!!)
Amongst the Rotarian visitors was Lisa Stallard (accompanied by new-born Billy !) which reminded me (with a 31 year-old Grandson !) that Rotary is a great leveller of age-range with age being irrelevant…….(other than at my age, it becomes “a bit dodgy”…..!!)
A most enjoyable event including much fellowship (and noisy conversation!) concluded at around 4.30 leaving Brian and Anne to return their home and garden to normality!!
My thanks to Rotarians, families and friends for their support of this most enjoyable event.
Finally, Brian was pleased to advise me that the event had raised £357 for his N.G.S. charities.
Brian W.
Fellowship Chairman
National Memorial Arboretum visit Thursday 5th May
On 5th May a party of Rotarians, wives and friends hit the road to visit the Arboretum. The date was specially selected as it was the birthday of our late, wonderful Rotarian and friend, Fraser Dukes, which was felt to be a fitting (though poignant) memory of him and all his achievements both in Rotary and, indeed, his whole life.
We arrived and assembled in the “V.I.P.lounge” (nothing less expected !!) to enjoy tea and coffee and (posh!) biscuits (none of your custard creams when Rotarians are on a day out………).and then boarded the land-train for an excellent one hour tour of the Arboretum which included an intercom commentary of the almost countless memorials to the “fallen heroes” of many warfare conflicts over many years and including civilian organisations. (With two “old soldiers” on board I have to tell you that Peter Williams (R.A.F. long-since retired) and “yours truly” Woolley (K.S.L.I. long-since given up fighting the Mau Mau !) stood to att

Fraser’s son Tim Dukes with President Richard Green and club Treasurer Derek Morgan
ention and saluted on passing the memorials to their regiments……..}

Fraser Dukes’s son Tim alongside President Elect Sylvia Morgan and husband club Treasurer Derek
The tour was followed by an excellent two course lunch (back in the V.I.P.lounge !) accompanied by good fellowship and much chat (and looks of astonishment at the size of Carol T-M’s meat pie ……..but being lady-like she didn’t quite manage to eat it all………!!!)
My thanks to the 10 Rotarians plus wives and friends who supported this event and a sincere “thank you” to Fraser’s son, Tim, who was able to join us for lunch and a visit to Fraser’s memorial.
P.P.Brian W.
Fellowship Chairman
Spring Walk and Lunch. Sunday April 3rd 2022
On a chilly but dry day, some intrepid Rotarian explorers took to the footpaths and towpaths of the canal and the old railway line around Compton and Tettenhall to enjoy some al-fresco Rotary fellowship (whilst working up an appetite for the lunch at
the Oddfellows pub afterwards). A headcount at the start and finish of the event had the desired effect of proving that no-one got lost en-route and, even better, no-one fell in the canal…..
A welcome rest-break at the halfway point was provided by a visit to the M.S.Centre for tea and coffee kindly provided by the M.S.Staff and arranged by Chairman Peter Williams.
To round-off an enjoyable (and invigorating!!) event, the Oddfellows pub played host to the “Wolverhampton Rotary Walking and Mountaineering Club” and good food (plus some medicinal alcohol) was enjoyed. Inevitably there was good fellowship and much laughter which included Pres.Elect Sylvia hi-jacking the food ordered by the Fellowship Chairman (who shall be nameless)
All in all, an enjoyable and successful event and grateful thanks were extended to President Richard for all the arrangements (amidst his many other Rotary duties !!)

President Elect Sylvia Morgan falls for the youngest member of the Rotary Club of the City of Wolverhampton!
For the record (and for the necessary awarding of “brownie points” and including in the Attendance records !!) the participants were:
On the walk : Pres.Richard; Alder Allen; Derek and Sylvia Morgan; Richard and Penny Horrell; Norman Holmes; Lisa Stallard and her son – the star of the show!); Sally Woods; Ade Adeoye
At lunch: Lorraine McCarthy and Denzil; Sudhir Handa; Brian and Mary Woolley
Watch this space for (hopefully!) future fellowship events !
Monsoon Fellowship Evening March 15th 2022.
On 15th March a Rotary Fellowship event was held at the Monsoon restaurant in Tettenhall. 20 attended which included 12 Rotarians and it was pleasing that 4 of our newer Members joined in the fun. Being a Fellowship evening rather than a Rotathlon event there were no “points to score” nor prizes to be won (just a “tick in the box” for a meeting attendance !) but it was suggested that perhaps there should have been a medal awarded to whoever managed to consume the hottest curry on the menu…….(which I thought was a good idea as my Chicken Balti Special needed a side dish of two pints of Indian lager to repair an over-heated tongue and mouth…….!!!).
There was a warm discussion with the manager at the end of the evening with regard to method of payment which was diplomatically dealt with by Lorraine McCarthy and Richard Horrell and resolved to mutual satisfaction the next morning by the organiser and the manager ‘Fred’ who are now friends.
Our thanks to Charles Cox for organising an enjoyable evening of “fun, food and fellowship” of Rotarians “at play”.
Rotathlon Ten Pin Bowls February 15th 2022
Tuesday the 15th February saw the club’s meeting transfer to the brash surroundings of the Hollywood Bowl, not THE Hollywood Bowl but the one at Bentley Bridge for the Club’s annual ten pin bowling event. Twelve bowlers took part, this included Emmanuel Jones shortly to be inducted, Rosemary Baker and Penny Horrell. After such a long layoff our bowling skills were somewhat rusty! Despite these frustrations a good evening of fellowship was had by all. Simon Love was our eventual winner followed by Brian Bailey in second place and Rosemary Baker in third. The third placed Rotarian was Clive Baker. During the evening a crowd of spectators, well not a crowd actually but we were joined by Peter and Val Williams and Brian Woolley supporting his committee. It was great to see everyone for our first fellowship event away from SSGC sinc
e the last lockdown was eased. After the bowling eleven of us including our spectators retired to the Nickelodeon
for a drink and/or a drink and a meal. It would be remiss not to note that during the seventh round President Richard achieved a ‘strike’, well done President. Another point to note, especially for our District Sports Officer was Simon’s excellent score.
We’ve also learnt he has a talent for crown green bowls.
Richard Horrell

Darts n’ Dommies 6th October 2021
It was great to be back at the Old Wulfs Club after so long away. It seems there had been a change of staff and some improvements to the venue. A good turnout of established and new members and partners gathered to challenge for the title of Champion of the “arrows ” and the “ spots.” I C darts was Geoff Lowndes while in the lounge Peter Wright supervised the Dominoes competition. An evening and fun and fellowship with the usual break for fish and chips. As usual it took a long time to finish ( 11 o’clock!!!) but the winner of the darts was Brian Bailey and Denzil was runner up in the darts and winner of the Dominoes.

Darts winner- Brian Bailey

Richard Horrell with Mel Eves- and central- Denzil the Dommies winner
Boules Night 23rd September 2021
Fifteen Rotarians and “other halves” plus Susan Bloxham ventured forth to the Plough at Claverley for the Boules evening on 23rd September and, fortunately, the weather was kind. The “Organiser Supremo” Geoff (even though not a member of the Fellowship Committee !!) did a sterling job sorting out the matches and the scoring assisted by Peter Hand and “Pitch-raker” Derek!
The eventual winner was Derek Morgan closely followed by Geoff (2nd); Peter Hand & Robin T-M; Clive (welcome-home!); IPP Brian B. and “Stormin” Norman Holmes.
“Chat, chips and sandwiches “ followed in the pub with a reminder that the next Rotary/Fellowship meeting is Darts and Dommies on Wednesday 6th October
The Kingswood Trust 12th September 2021
Fortunately the weather was kind when a party of 35 adults and 11 children
visited Kingswood School for a Wolverhampton Rotary Club event.

Trust Manager Rachel Wells with tortoise ‘George’ and new member Ade Adeoye along with his wife Olabisi and children Alexander and Alexandra
Our Guides were Head Teacher, Rachel Wells and her Staff Volunteers who took us on visits to view the many outdoor attractions of their sheep;
tortoises; pond life; chickens; beehives together with lovely walks through
wildflower meadows and woodlands.
This was followed by a tour of the buildings when Rachel told us of the background to Kingswood and the
benefits enjoyed by many children on their visits which often involves
overnight accommodation in comfortable dormitories.