Our club was instrumental in establishing a chicken facility to provide food, income and employment to supplement the needs of the orphanage alongside St. Andrews Hospital.
As we were so key in establishing the chicken business, Medic Malawi chose to name it The Wolves Chicken House. We also help with the salary of one of the chicken workers- a truly important role!
The Wolves Chicken House now produces 6300 eggs per month, which helps to feed the 85 children and generates 10% of running costs. As Mr Josiah Sonjo, the local Committee Chairman reported: “This poultry project has come with a good number of benefits to the orphanage, workers, as well as the general community at large. To the orphans; they benefit eggs for balanced diet; they took four meals with eggs per week and daily in the porridge ingredients among others. In addition to that the orphans are learning how to look after chickens. We also collect manure in these two houses which we use in the garden. On part of workers, the little they earn per month, they are able to run their families. To the general community; they do buy eggs which are readily available at our orphanage through Wolves poultry.
The orphanage ‘AMAO’, meaning The Mother Houseis a vital resource in the District, supplementing the totally-overstretched expectation of care within families. The local clergyman, Father Petro, wrote “AMAO is a shining star to the whole of Kasungu: the only orphanage doing well in the entire District” (an area of half a million plus people). And it now has proper toilets! So thank you for your Club’s donation, every penny of which will reach the orphanage, because Medic Malawi has no UK costs or expenses.
Further to the support of the Wolves Chicken House, we have supported other projects at the centre including the purchase of a generator and along with a District Grant, we provided the funding for vital toilet facilities. The existing ‘toilets’ were wholly inadequate and the risk to health was becoming a real problem.
Medic Malawi continues to work hard for the people of Mtunthama and beyond, and this club is proud to have played a part in their success.
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