Humanitarian project completed in record time by Rotary joining hands across 3 continents.

A $92,000 project to construct a series of dams in the Pavagada region of Karnataka, Southern India has been completed in record time, with work starting in early August 2024 and being completed by mid September.

The project, made possible by a global grant from The Rotary Foundation and with support from Rotary clubs in Bangalore India, Wallingford New Hampshire USA and the City of Wolverhampton, UK is already bearing fruit, with the water in the catchment areas already gathering behind the dams.

The water used to run away unused via tributaries of the River Cauvery into the Bay of Bengal.

Also involved were Districts 7870 and 7780 in the USA with District 1210 in the UK all of whom provide contributions from their District Designated Funds (DDF.)

The construction fulfils one of the Foundation’s Areas of Focus, that of Economic and Community Development in that it provides excellent support to local farmers whose fields used to dry up in the hot season with heavy rainfall during the monsoons running away before it could be harvested for irrigation of crops.


Rotarian Ambli Suresh who led the project on behalf of the Rotary Club of Bangalore Sadshivanagar says “the dams will be a lifeline for the farmers; 90% of local village income derives from agriculture, but climate change, with resultant droughts in the dry seasons after heavy rains and flooding in the monsoon period presented a severe threat. Our project will ensure the return of a safe livelihood to many of these farmers.”

PDG Richard Green