The Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra – a magical night to remember.

On Friday July 19th. the Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra and the Youth Wind Orchestra comprising over 80 extremely talented young musicians under their conductors Catriona Roberts and Russell Lock performed to a packed house in the Wulfrun Hall as they thrilled the audience with their pre tour concert before setting off to play in Italy.

Venues on the tour will be Montevarchi, Perugia and Montecatini Terme.

Rotary in Bilston,Wolverhampton, Wednesfield and Willenhall and District Governor Jane Cooper together with colleagues from The Wolverhampton Free Trade Association and the Susan Vickers Foundation were in attendance in large numbers, to back up the generous support and donations they make available as clubs and individuals to support the Youth Orchestra though the Friends of the Wolverhampton Schools Music Service. These donations make it possible for every young musician to be part of the tour.

A wonderful variety of musical treats were presented ranging through the classics, jazz and pops  from ‘Jai Ho’ from ‘Slumdog Millionaire ‘ by A.R. Rahman, the Adagio from ‘Spartacus’ by Khachaturian, the march ‘Liberty Bell’ by John Philip Souza and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Freddie Mercury of Queen, and a selection from ‘Les Miserables by Claude-Michel Schonberg.

The musical achievement and standard of performance was superb. To quote Julia Farrell of the Free Trade Association: “ Music is very much alive in Wolverhampton and these young people were incredible.”

PDG Richard Green