Rotary Supporting Front Line Heroes in the fight against Covid 19.

Photo taken with Hayey Powell at The Haven office, not one the refuges.
Thanks to a project co-ordinated by David Marklew of the Cannock Rotary club, Rotarians across District 1210 have, to date, purchased, donated, and delivered 12,000 visors for use by NHS and Care Home staff, and volunteers in refuges throughout Staffordshire, Shropshire and The West Midlands.
The visors are being made for us, at cost, by Kazoo Print Solutions.
in Cannock,and all 5 clubs have supported the project, with visors going to New Cross and Penn Hospitals, numerous Care Homes, the Good Shepherd Ministry for the Homeless and The Haven Refuge for the vicitms of domestic violence, as they cope with a huge upsirge in new cases.
More visors are on the way.
PDg Richard Green